Metals Periodic Table Properties
The highlighted elements are considered the metal elements. The trend in properties from the lighter to the heavier elements may be attributed to changes in the strength of binding of the outer electrons and especially to the increasing size of the atoms. Group 1 Alkali Metals Group 7 Halogens Group 0 Noble Gases Elements in the periodic table can be placed into two broad categories metals and nonmetals. Metals periodic table properties . Also many periodic tables have a stair step line on the table identifying the element groups. Other chemical and physical classifications. The properties of elements in the same group of the periodic system are although similar not identical. Most metals are good conductors of heat and electricity are malleable and ductile and are moderate to high melting points. Examples of metals most of the elements on the periodic table are metals including gold silver platinum mercury uranium aluminum sodium and calcium. Except for germanium ge and a...